Directed Retreat – Ann Morrison RSJ

This is a time of silent contemplation, listening to God through the Scriptures of your life, with daily opportunity of sharing with a Spiritual Companion allowing a deepening of one’s experience of God in daily life. It is about noticing what is God up to in your life.

Start: Monday, May 26 at 4pm
Finish: Monday, June 2 at 9am
Silent Retreat: Yes
What to bring: Journal
Price: AU$2365 ($2150+GST) includes one on one facilitation, accommodation and catering

Facilitator: Ann Morrison rsj

Sr Ann Morrison is a Sister of Joseph of the Sacred Heart, currently residing in the beautiful Blue Mountains at Katoomba NSW. Ann’s main ministry is Retreat Facilitation, Spiritual Direction and Adult Faith Formation. Ann endeavours to use educational, pastoral, scriptural and life experiences to develop more deeply her call to be aware of and utilise the activity of God in life to live more authentically from that space.