Reflect; Renew: Revive!

The upcoming, silent retreat, themed “Reflect, Renew, Revive” offers a unique opportunity for participants to embrace transition and change.

A time to:

  • Reflect on what has been!
  • Renew my spirit at this moment in time
  • Revive my aspirations and hopes to navigate the future

Participants can expect to reset their sails, creating a clearer path forward. Throughout the retreat, they will listen, reflect, pray, and create, each individual determining the personal significance and benefits they derive from this transformative experience.

Start: Friday, December 5 at 4pm (program start Saturday, 10am)
Finish: Sunday, December 7 at 4pm
Silent Retreat: Yes
What to bring: Journal and Art materials of choice
Price: AU$550 ($500+GST) includes facilitation, accommodation and catering

Facilitator: Geraldine Kearney SGS
Geraldine Kearney SGS is Anglo Burmese and was born in Yangon, Burma, now Myanmar and migrated to Australia as a child in 1952.
She is a Sister of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict and was professed in 1969.
Geraldine holds a Masters of Education, and a Masters of Counselling from Australian Catholic University Sydney, and a Doctor of Ministry in Cross Culture from the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. She is also a qualified Psychodrama therapist, counsellor, and facilitator.
Geraldine moved from her ministry in education as teacher and  principal in Catholic Schools in Australia, in 2001, to take up her role in the congregation in Formation; a role which she held for almost 20 years.
Presently Geraldine works as a cross-cultural consultant, mainly in the Asia Pacific and Australia, with several congregations, both of men and women, and individuals, especially in the areas of leadership, mission, formation and culture. Geraldine is the currently the Pastoral Outreach person for the staff and parents at Mater Dei School Camden.