The hidden wisdom of women in the gospels

The gospels speak of many women but with very little detail … To learn more about these women, we need to learn to read between the lines with our own intuitive hearts. Martha Driscoll OCSO This retreat is a chance to allow some of these women to come alive and speak to us in our lives today. We will spend time with Martha and Mary, the Samaritan Woman at the Well and Mary of Magdala.
Martha and Mary. Luke 10:38-42 We all have some of Martha and some of Mary in us, both are necessary for wholeness but… Jesus appears to Mary of Magdala. John 20: 11-18 Mary was caught in her own grief and couldn’t see beyond her grief. Jesus spoke her name and she recognized his voice and knew it was him. Can I hear Jesus saying my name and inviting me to …? The Samaritan Woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.” As the story goes on we see encounter, opening of the eyes of the woman and Jesus, willing to be vulnerable, going deeper, conversion, sharing the story, proclaiming.
Richard Rohr, Things Hidden. Scripture as Spirituality You lead others to the depth to which you have been led… you can only transform people to the degree you have been transformed.

Start: Monday, July 7 at 4pm
Finish: Monday, July 14 at 9am
Silent Retreat: Yes
What to bring: Whatever you feel helps you on your spiritual journey
Price: AU$1705 ($1550+GST) includes facilitation, accommodation and catering

Facilitator: Jenny Scally rsj

Spiritual Director, Supervisor, Retreat Facilitator
Emmanuel Spiritual Direction (1999), Formation Program in the Ministry of Supervision (2012), Emmaus Supervision Program (2022-2023).
I have been privileged to be working in the whole area of spirituality for the last 30 years, be it in schools, in the diocese or as a Spiritual Director, Retreat Facilitator and Supervisor in various ecumenical settings.
Aware of life’s complexities and our need to listen within allows for continual growth in every aspect of life. ‘I have come that you may have life and have it to the full’. John 10:10. I always find that this ministry is life giving personally and continue to delight as I journey with others as they grow in awareness of their own ever deepening relationship with their God and their growth personally.
Listen to the whispering of God in your heart. Mary MacKillop
Listen to the sounds of the waves within you. Rumi