Directed Retreat – Dr Kerrie Hide
A silent, directed retreat is an opportunity to enter a week of silence where you are able to be more present and listening to yourself and the ever-present God who seeks you always. Spiritual Direction daily allows you to share your life experience and see with fresh eyes the movements of God within you and around you. Directed Retreats are one on one directed – you spend one session a day with your Spiritual Director.
Start: Monday, July 7 at 4pm
Finish: Monday, July 14 at 9am
Silent Retreat: Yes
What to bring: Whatever you feel helps you on your spiritual journey
Price: AU$2365 ($2150+GST) includes one on one facilitation, accommodation and catering
Facilitator: Dr. Kerrie Hide
Kerrie Hide is a spiritual director, retreat giver and mystical theologian whose lifelong work interweaves deep heart wisdom about contemplation from the Christian mystical tradition. Her book, Gifted Origins to Graced Fulfilment: The Soteriology of Julian of Norwich, won first prize in the Catholic Press Awards. Kerrie’s most recent book, Love’s Oneing: A Book about Contemplation, develops and deepens this foundational work on soteriology. Writing about Love’s Oneing, Ilia Delio, says, “This is a beautiful book on every page.” Kerrie’s website is: