The Doorway to Silence
‘There is an enormous, hidden solitude and space within each of us. We carry an immense ocean of silence and silences within silences, primordial and eternal.” (Edward Farell).
We will reflect on the degrees and depths of silence and where they led us, drawing on the insights from medieval Christian mystics, the Desert Fathers and Mothers and modern writers.
Deep silence carries with it the invitation towards an open receptivity, an alert waiting, a resting, a listening and an awareness of a sensed presence. We will imbibe the stillness and beauty of the gardens, tap in to where our own inner silence leads us and be inspired by texts such as the c 14th ’Cloud of Unknowing’. We will walk with those who have shared their encounters with God in the stillness and will open ourselves to the divine presence which calls to us in moments of silence.
Our two days together will provide time for solitude, silence and prayer and feature morning and evening meditations (30 mins), Tibetan bowls, walking meditation, and a daily talk and sharing session. We will have the opportunity to stop, slow down, reflect, listen and just ‘be’.
As the Psalmists say: ‘No utterance at all, no speech, no sound that anyone can hear; yet the voice of silence goes out through all the earth and its message to the ends of the world’ (Psalm 19:3)
Start: Friday, November 28 at 5pm for shared tea and coffee before dinner at 6pm
Finish: Sunday, November 30 at 3.30pm
Silent Retreat: Yes
What to bring: Journal, walking shoes, hat and sunscreen for the outdoors
Price: AU$ 550 ($500+GST) includes facilitation, accommodation and catering
Facilitator: Nila Chambers
Nila Chambers is a lifelong meditator and spiritual seeker. She was an educator, working in the university, TAFE and school sectors and also as principal of a small school for several years. Nila has a Master’s Degree in Religion Studies. She has extensive experience in presenting talks, workshops and retreats on spiritual themes, in a broad range of settings. Nila is especially drawn to mysticism in Christianity and Eastern religions and she has a deep love of the natural world